Style Guide Basics

These guidelines build on editing hundreds of tech articles and observing writers of various levels of expertise and diverse backgrounds repeatedly encountering the same issues. 

There are a few terms specific to old-school journalism that are useful shorthand in the editing process. The funky spellings (lede, dek) persist because they serve the same purpose they did back in the day: they get flagged by spell check (or humans!), so are unlikely to get published by accident.

One caveat: These are guidelines optimized for human readers – not SEO or indexing bots. Page ranking is secondary to producing robust content that your audience wants to read.

Headlines: Three rules for good ones

The headline, or hed, is the most important part of your post, at least when it comes to earning readers. Writing great heds is an art, but the perfect headline for a story is concise, engaging and active.


When you write headlines, ask yourself if they satisfy the three rules above. Is it a good pitch to a reader for clicking and reading more? Is the headline as concise as possible? Is it active? If it’s not, rewrite it. 

If you have time, plug in a few of your key story terms (like confidential computing) to Google News to see how others in the industry headlined their work. You can also workshop with headline analyzers, but for “deep tech” subjects it’s often difficult to meet their parameters without sounding like a hysterical sales pitch, so a decent, accurate headline often scores low.

Never submit a story without at least trying to write a headline or two: It’s the mark of a writer who isn’t clear what their story is about. It’s fine to file with a few different options knowing the editor will play around with them. The editor’s job is to make you look good, but don’t force them to define your story for you – and possibly rewrite or reorganize it in the process.

Capitalization: Whether you follow the Associated Press, The Chicago Manual of Style, Microsoft or a house guide for headline styles, once you’ve settled on your hed, make it consistent. Nothing makes a publication look more slapdash than a home page, social or RSS feed with one headline in ALL CAPS followed by one styled in homage to bell hooks lowercase. The rougher your copy, the higher the likelihood that mistakes are published.

Dek: Don’t forget it

Depending on your content management system (CMS) it may be called something like “excerpt,” “teaser” or “intro.” It’s the short text published below the hed and before the main story.  If you don’t fill it in, many platforms use the entire first paragraph— way too much text and a bad intro for the post. 

This is where you persuade the reader (again!) to read the post. Add details that you can’t squeeze into the headline but that aren’t necessary in the lede or to tease a quote.

There are never links in these, for the same reason we don’t include them in the lede (see below.)

Dek examples: 

Ledes: Last chance for pickup

Similarly to the above, a good lede (aka the lead paragraph) is vital to enticing busy readers to spend more time on a post. Like a good headline, ledes should be short and engaging. However, a lede should be more than just a rehash of the hed or the dek: It should supplement it, flesh it out and offer an appealing hook to read more. 


If the story is about a company, do not link to their homepage in the lede. Use the nut graf (see below) to link to a page germane to the story. If you’re writing about a company that the readers may not know, avoid cluttering the lede with an unfamiliar name.  Same if your main source is a report - lead with the most important information, not the link to whoever provided it. 

Lede examples: 

Make sure that your ledes are:

Ledes should clearly convey the newest, most interesting information in your post.
Do not start with background information. Work relevant background information into a nut graf that provides context and gives an overview of why the story is important. Save minor details for later in the story. The inverted pyramid structure - sparked by use of the telegraph - still stands.

Bend these rules for a tutorial or explainer - always clearly state what problem the technology solves and what the user can do with it.

Tutorial example:

“Confidential computing is the protection of data in use by performing computation in a hardware-based Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). While in cloud native workloads data is typically protected in transit through networking encryption (i.e. TLS, VPN), and at rest (i.e. encrypted storage), confidential computing enables data protection in memory while processing. The confidential computing threat model aims at removing or reducing the ability for a cloud provider operator and other actors in the tenant’s domain to access code and data while being executed.”

Nut Graf 

All feature stories need a nut graf. Bonus points for working it into any post, however short.

The nut graf is generally a few paragraphs into the story; this is where you put the background information you cut from your hed and lede. Or, as editors say: “context, context, context!” This is where you work the relevant numbers, provide a larger picture, tell the backstory. This is your last chance to answer the question “Why should I care?” Make it good.


Jargon watch

You may know your LBaaS from your VPNaaS, but never assume the reader does. The momentum from emerging tech comes from people new to it—don’t push them away with the acronym-of-the-nanosecond. 

Generally: Spell out acronyms on first reference, especially those specific to the technology or community. A new reader shouldn’t wonder whether a PTL is a project technical lead or one of the other 58 meanings on If you’re unsure which common acronyms can stand without explanation (e.g., NSA, CERN) check the AP (see link below.)

For the same reason, weed out business-writing cliches such as aha moment, mission critical, pull the trigger. They flatten your writing and are hard to parse for international readers. When in doubt, check http://unsuck-it.

Which style guide?

Every publication needs one as a foundation. The AP Stylebook, updated for over 50 years, is a classic. A good, free starter guide:
For tech content, check out the Microsoft Style Guide

A few small points worth making: 

All stories need links, so please file your story with some.

You can include them in a list at the bottom of the story so that if multiple people are editing the document they don’t accidentally get deleted during the edit process.

Make sure the links point to useful information. They help you to write shorter - you can talk about statistics from a report without mentioning the whole thing or reference other stories in a series. If the highlighted portion for the link is a working breakfast session at a conference, links to that specific session or a write-up of the session – not the main conference page. 

Art: More than a pretty pic

All stories should be filed with artwork - photos, images, graphics, social embeds. List some potential picks when you file. Treat the art as another way to communicate by adding information and punch to your story. Images often work best when witty or unexpected, riffing off the headline verb. 

Example: Here’s how articles with headlines about “cloud computing myths debunked” have used art. Hands down, the paper unicorn on a laptop is the winner on social media.

Looking a these examples, it’s clear that you need something that looks good horizontally and, this is crucial, doesn’t have writing on it. (These images often go underneath the headline inside the story and extra writing reduces overall legibility.)

Find CC-licensed art on Creative Commons or Flickr and on sites with permissive licenses like and unsplash. Artificial intelligence is fun to play with too - just check the images carefully. Searching for “red pen editing” on umprompt pulls up a bunch of spooky gothic images, along with a hipster, sweating over a backward typewriter. (Same search on DuckDuckGo, for comparison.)

Written by Nicole Martinelli CC BY-SA  First published on Superuser. Version 0.3